Isuzu Motors India launched the all-new D-Max S-Cab Z variant in India, today. It is the ‘Smartest’ looking crew-cab pick-up in the commercial vehicle segment and is ‘Beyond the Ordinary’. It will be available in f...
Isuzu Motors India announced an upcoming increase in the prices of its commercial pick-up range - D-Max Regular Cab and D-Max S-Cab with effect from April 01, 2021. The increase will be Rs 1,00,000/- from the curren...
Isuzu Motors India launched the BS VI compliant D-Max Regular Cab and D-Max S-Cab in India. Expanding the commercial vehicle range, the company added a new variant D-Max Super Strong with a 1,710 kg payload, to lead...
Isuzu Motors India Private Limited (IMI) is showcasing the new ISUZU D-MAX Reefer and Dry Box applications at the India Cold Chain Show, being held at the Bombay Exhibition Centre in Mumbai, from December 12 to 14,...
Uno Minda Ltd., a leading Tier 1 supplier of Proprietary Automotive Solutions to Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), has launched India’s first GPT-enabled WTUNES-464DN-GPT Android Music System i...
Energizer and Assurance Intl Limited have collaborated on a new line of automotive oil that will be sourced, manufactured, and distributed in India to complement the existing STP product portfolio in ...
The Uno Minda D-90 horn has a two-year manufacturing warranty and is competitively priced between Rs 295 and Rs 855. It can be conveniently purchased from a variety of top-tier online and offline reta...